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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄
제가 초정했던 동료가 보낸 메일입니다. TTSH Charity Concert에 와보고 뜻깊은 좋은 음악회였다고 감사메일을 보내왔네요. 특히 Carol-Sing-Along이 너무 좋았다고...

Hi SW,
We really thank you very much for inviting us to the musical concert for charity.
I and Prashant have really enjoyed the musical event till the end…and it was very sweet memorable day.
The music was so beautiful and excellent composition. We never attended such type of music concert before.
The best we enjoyed the most were the Christmas carols, last orchestra music and singing.
It was great to be a part of the celebration.
Appreciate all of your talents and efforts in musical arts and also the Church team to help the society through such events.



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