Mark 선교사 기도편지

by 박근식 posted Jun 13, 2012


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I and my family are doing well, thank you. These are my prayer items:

1. I will begin to do inductive bible study with some Indonesian worker in Klang (near Kuala Lumpur), this Saturday.

2. I and my wife go to Penang every month to share Gospel to some Malays.

3. Next week I will go to usa to attend a conference and teach about Islam in Mexico.

4. My PhD. program will start in August, but I am preparing my proposal. I will compare the concept of peace in Islam and Christianity.

5. Please pray that God will open some opportunities for me to share gospel to more students in my campus.


Thanks again for your support, spirirualy and financially.

Please send your address, I want to give you my thesis.


For His Kingdom,


Mark Somantri


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