
2009.04.10 16:41


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄
일을 좀 할려고 책상에 앉았는데 바깥 보니

밤처럼 어둡더라구요...

생각난 구절이

"때가 제 육시쯤 되어 해가 빛을 잃고

온 땅에 어둠이 임하여 제구시까지 계속되며"

누가복음 23:44

일단 든 의문점이 제 육시 언제지?

어디서 발췌한 것인데 맞는지 모르겠습니다...


Hours Of The Day

The term "hour" referred to a period of time, one-twelfth of
the daylight part of the day. While daylight is longer in
summer than in winter, and therefore summer "hours" were
longer than winter "hours," as a general rule the first hour
was equivalent to 6 to 7 am on a modern-day clock, and so

The first hour = 6 to 7 am
The second hour = 7 to 8 am
The third hour = 8 to 9 am
The fourth hour = 9 to 10 am
The fifth hour = 10 to 11 am

The sixth hour = 11 am to 12 pm

The seventh hour = 12 to 1 pm
The eighth hour = 1 to 2 pm
The ninth hour = 2 to 3 pm
The tenth hour = 3 to 4 pm
The eleventh hour = 4 to 5 pm
The twelfth hour = 5 to 6 pm

Jesus Christ was crucified at the time of year near the spring equinox, when daylight and darkness are roughly of equal
duration. He was hung on the cross (see Crosses) during
the third hour (8 to 9 am), darkness come over the land
during the sixth hour (11 am to 12 pm) and lasted until the
ninth hour (2 to 3 pm) at which time the Messiah was killed, as a fulfillment of all of the God-specified rules for the Passover lamb


"It was now about the sixth hour and darkness came over
the whole land until the ninth hour"

다음엔 darkness라는 단어에 관심이 갔습니다......

헬라어로 "skotos(σκοτος)"는 실질적인 어둠뿐만 아니라, 영적인 어둠, 죄악, misery, gloom...

예수님의 죽음...온 인류의 죄악을 짊으셨으니 skotos 할 수 밖에....

하지만 3일 후의 부활이 환한 승리와 소망의 빛 가운데 이뤄졌습니다~!


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    배유일 2009.04.11 12:24
    성경사전에 보면 12시경이라고 나와있는 것 같습니다. 저도 어제 그 생각을 했는데요...성가대 연습시간에...
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    오선명 2009.04.11 18:51
    내 가운데 있는 그 어둠......... 빛을 싫어하고, 무언가 감추고있는, 두려움.. 불안, 그것을 주님이.. 이겨내신거죠? .... 내 대신 죄의 짐을 져주신 주님께 감사드립니다.

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